
How To Fix Black Screen On Windows 7 After Login

Black screen of death trouble?

How to set blackness screen of death in Windows 7 earlier login? I take some problems to offset up my figurer, and right before my log in it goes to the black screen with no cursor, so I could not finish the task, so what should I do to fix black screen?

Black screen of death (BKSOD) is an error screen to show you when Windows operating system encounter some seriously arrangement errors which tin cause the system to close down due to diverse of reasons, similar system bug, hardware or software problems, etc. How to fix information technology in Windows 7/8/ten?

Fix black screen in Windows vii

First of all, you should take to figure out what reason makes your computer get blackness screen of expiry then that you tin can fix it. There are some reasons should be responsible for this mess:

  • Installed some certain Windows update.

  • Virus afflicted.

  • Corrupted graphic bill of fare driver.

Now, fix black screen of decease in Windows 7/8/10. You have many solutions to troubleshoot this error, hither information technology is.

Terminal Known Practiced Configuration

Follow these steps to set up:

1. Commencement your PC and press F8 key before the Windows logo displayed to enter Avant-garde Boot Options.

2. Then you will see a list of tools that yous might use, cull Last Known Skilful Configuration (avant-garde).

Last Known Good Configuration

3. Your Windows vii computer will start booting Windows, and and so run into if the trouble is solved or not.

Reinstall Graphics card driver

1. Printing Ctrl+Alt+Delete to access Task Managing director.

2. Select explorer.exe in Processes tab and cull End Process.

iii. Then click File -> New Task to create a new task.

four. Blazon in explorer.exe and click OK to open Windows taskbar.

v. Click Start, then input device managing director in Windows search box.

six. Address the display adapter option and double click it. and and then right click the device name, choose Update Driver Software.

Uninstall Windows security update in Safe Manner

1. Start your PC and press F8 key repeatedly before the Windows logo displayed to enter Avant-garde Boot Options.

two. Choose Safe Mode.

3. Log in your computer with the administrator privileges.

4. So become Starting time and type Programs and Features in search box, choose information technology.

five. View Installed Updates in next window. Locate the update you installed before the black screen of death in Windows tab.

6. Right click the update and choose Uninstall.

7. Restart your Windows 7 computer normally.

Run Anti-virus software

If your computer affected past virus, and did not run the anti-virus programme, your system might be damaged by virus, download and execute this kind of software to scan and remove your virus.

Perform Organisation Restore

You could employ Windows built-in recovery options or the powerful system recovery software to fix black screen of death in Windows 7/8/10. More than details refer to these words:

Restore with Windows System Recovery Options

1. Press F8 cardinal constantly to get to Advanced Boot Options while booting up your Windows 7 calculator.

two. Select Repair your computer. Log in your Windows 7 business relationship.

three. Click Organisation Restore in System Recovery Options window.

System Restore

four. And so choose a restore point y'all want to Windows 7 PC to restore to. And so follow the guide to restore your system to previous normal state.

v. Restart your Windows vii after finishing the restoration.

Safely set up blackness screen with AOMEI Backupper Professional

If yous used AOMEI Backupper to create bootable media and backup Windows 7/viii/10 previously, now, you could restore Windows system to previous normal land. Hither is how information technology works to fix blackness screen of death in Windows 7/eight/10:

Download Gratuitous Trial

Win 10/eight.1/eight/seven/XP

Secure Download

1. Boot your Windows 7/viii/10 computer into the Windows PE bootable media, and then the Windows computer will automatically run into AOMEI Backupper.

two. Then go to Restore > Select Image File > Find the the system prototype file, and clickNext >>.

Select Image File

3. Choose the fill-in point and click Next >>.

Select System Backup Image

4. Select Restore this system backup or Restore a segmentation in this system backup, and hit Side by side >>.

Restore Entire Backup

five. Preview the settings about the Windows system restoration, clickStart Restore to fix black screen of death in Windows seven/8/10.

Start Restore

Tip: AOMEI Backupper is practical to Windows Vista, XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and Windows Server 2003/2008 (R2)/2012 (R2)/2016, SBS 2003/2008/2011, WHS 2011, etc.

If you take never e'er backed upwards your Windows seven/8/x, information technology's highly recommended that you backup Windows 10/viii/vii regularly subsequently restoring to normal land or reinstalling Windows in example you lot lost your critical data or files.

AOMEI Backupper as well have the ability to clone Windows seven/8/10 to SSD, clone GPT disk to smaller SSD drive, real time sync files or folders from clouds to external hard drive, and other devices, dissimilar hardware restore, prepare blackness screen of death in Windows x, backup data (partition, operating system, or entire hard drive) to safe place, etc.

For server usage, try AOMEI Backupper Server or Technician Plus to relish more advanced features.


If y'all stuck in black screen of death in Windows seven/8/10, try these solutions to fix. To protect your data or system safe, please fill-in regularly with AOMEI Backupper. Or if yous take better ways to repair it, just let me know, Thanks.


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